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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: June 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Isaiah 6:8

This blog post has been brewing inside of me. So, I thought it was time to pour. It makes me a bit nervous, because these are my inner, most venerable thoughts; however, it is part of my story. Isaiah 6:8 says, "I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, who will go for me?' and I said 'Here am I, send me!". The summer of 2002 this became my 'life verse'. My dad a year before went on his first mission trip to Latvia, and to say he came back a different man would be an understatement. My family was called to Latvia, and my dad was the first on God told. I wouldn't get the message until the next summer. My dad took another trip to Latvia, and this time our church was able to bring back a few Latvians for one month. I got the opportunity to serve with all of these Latvians on a mission trip to San Marcos. On that trip I really felt God calling me to missions, specifically to Latvia. I don't know how or why, but I knew it in my gut. Maybe it was the slight glimpse I got of this wonderful country. I was in love. Immediately we were planning our trip in 2003. My mom was the last to come around. Being the caring, loving mom she is, it worried her a bit. However, God worked a miracle and got us there in July of 2003. It changed all of our lives. The minute I stepped out of the sliding doors into the airport, I was home. After this trip my dad really felt my family should move there, obviously this didn't happen. I guess if I were to tell the honest truth, I think it was God's perfect will for us to mover there. This was a very rough time for me. It was my freshman year of high school, and I just didn't want to be there. Thankfully, God grants grace and we were able to heal as a family. The following summer only strengthened my love of the 'singing nation'. Every trip held some kind of growth, of course. I have been at my lowest and highest there. One of the biggest blessings was having the opportunity to love on kids. Of all ages. My last trip I was given the opportunity to pray with a teenager that I had known for several years, and lead her to Christ. It was a huge blessing. I am so humbled to have been a part of God's work. The stories are virtually endless. Every year I would go in wary of the new team, and every year it was perfect. This summer I was not able to go to Latvia. I have know since November I wouldn't be. Joe and I were at our pre-marital counseling and the leader stressed the importance of the 'first year'. I remember he said, if you are really involved in something (even some kind of ministry) without your spouse, consider dropping it for the first year, and really focusing on your new ministry. Oh man that stung, but I knew. I knew I couldn't go. (I have never told anyone this before). It broke my heart. It is still breaking my heart. One of the most significant blessings from 8 years of travel/service with a lot of the same people, is they become your family. One of the hardest things is not knowing I have a Galina hug coming sometime soon. Galina is a women that has cooked for us, served with us, and loved on us. She is an amazing women. I wish I could adequately express how much I love everyone. Right now, two people are there from our church. They are great, great guys, but it is killing me to not be there. Whenever I get an update email, I cry. Whenever I see a picture, I cry. I have a small, constant ache. This may seem obsessive. I really am trusting God. I'm not depressed or anything, it's just I want to be there so badly. I can't really think about next summer yet. I'm not shutting the door. If it is God's will for me to be there, I will be. Here are a few pictures from our travels.
Milu, Milu.

2003: with Amy and Carrie. We have shared so many sweet, funny memories.

2003: With the Straume triplets!
2009: We were about to leave for the airport. I have watched these sweet girls grow up. I hated have to say goodbye, instead of see you next summer. They walked with their dad to tell us good bye. They drew pictures for me, the one that put me over the age was a picture of an angel, saying "May God guard your way". There was not a dry eye in the room. I was a bit emotional.
2009: We watched these boys grow up as well. They were so sweet, and unfortunately they seem to be lost in the word. Pray for them.
2009: This is sweet Galina. She has been through too much to say here, but she is faithful. This was one of the evenings when were all staying in Ziedkalne. We do this every trip. We live together, eat together et cetera. We become a family. Every night we would cry out to God together. It was amazing. To be completely open and accepting of each other. Too many times Christians are hardest on other Christians. Love people, love. (Ok, I'll get off my soap box). I am always so convicted because I don't know one Christian family that fervently cries out to God together. Including my own. When was the last time you cried out to God with someone? I hope I can learn to do this more.
2009: This is a perfect depiction of our time in Latvia. At the end of the day we always meet and eat together. We fellowship like we as Christians are meant to.
2008: This little guy is my buddy. His name is Vaidims. Pray for his salvation.

2008: My Ladies!! Every year we take pictures here.
2007: This is right after I got my tattoo, and right before Joe got his. It was too funny. My mom was all worried about it then. All crying and everything, & now she totally loves it. She thinks it's a great story. I nearly passed out, not from pain, but from just the fact I got a tattoo. I'm sure this comes as no surprise ;). The guy had to give me alcohol to sniff. Serving with Joe in Latvia has been my greatest joy, well almost. I would not have married him unless he felt called there as well.
2007: The greatest 4th of July ever! Ever! With the exception of 2008, this will be my first 4th of July in the States since 2003.
2005: Me and Carrie's Girls. How I love and miss them.

2005: Serving at the orphanage. I wanted to take them home. Joe and I are really thinking/praying about adopting from LV.

2004: She was in my VBS group. We still keep in touch. She is precious.

2004: My Mommo & Tetis. We are all our best selves there. We are truly our selves.
2004: This is one of my favorite pictures of my mom. She looks so happy and at peace. She is the most sacrificing person I know, and I have loved serving with her in Latvia. I'm so thankful to God she loves Latvia.
2006: Our feet look like this at the end of everyday. It's awesome. I love walking everywhere. I love that if I close my eyes I can see the courtyard at the church, walk out of the gate, turn left, then right, to go to the store. I love that I can smell it. I love how it looks and feels the same when you fly in. It feels like coming home.
'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news...'

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

June What?

Where has June gone? I really don't know. I can't believe it is going to be July on Thursday. Frankly I'm fine with that, my kinda summer can begin. PTL! Joe and I have done lots of fun things in the past few weeks. So here are a few pics.

This past weekend my mom and Terry came up to watch the US play Ghana, & have dinner with us. They came bringing exciting things. One thing was an awesome canvas print that came with our photography package. It is beautiful! I can't wait to hang it.

Another was our wedding album! Finally! It is also gorgeous. It is the perfect mix of traditional pics, with stunning artistic prints thrown in.

I recently discovered a mole on my back that had gotten much larger, with discoloration and irregular borders. Or however you call it. I pretty much went to the doctor immediately. They confirmed my thoughts and went ahead and removed it. They sent it to the lab, and hopefully I will hear back soon. It hasn't really been on my mind, but if you could just remember it in your prayers. Pray that I have a peace as well.
The Saturday before father's day we met most of Joe's family in Brenham for lunch, blue bell, & shopping. We really enjoyed our time with everyone. Here is Joe with his father figures :)

My sweet husband agreed to take this with me.

This is everyone (minus Rebecca, Karen's friend) at the Brenham Airport Diner.
It has been a fantastic month. I have finals in my three classes this week, so that should be fun. I will definitely feel major relief in time for Independence Day! I can't wait for some fireworks, hot dogs, potato salad, watermelon & Americana cup cakes. Next foodie blog to follow.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Give Thanks

A few mornings ago my alarm went off at 6:00 AM and I proceeded to begin my morning routine. I don't have many thoughts at this hour, and I definitely do not have enough snap to have a song ringing in my ears. Well, this particular morning was different. I was just overcome with the old worship song, "His Love Endures Forever". The gist of the lyrics are "Give thanks to the Lord, our God and king. His love endures forever". I never wake up singing this early, and I knew that the Lord was speaking to my heart. I've had a lot of things on my mind lately, and I can't say my thoughts have been especially thankful. I have been very focused on finishing school, money, things et cetera. I seem to have misplaced my gratefulness lately. How unfortunate. I am so blessed, and so rather than focusing on everything that needs to happen, I'm going to rejoice in the victory of every single day. Here some things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful that I am saved by grace. I'm thankful that is not by any work I could do, but by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and his victorious resurrection.

2. I am thankful for my sweet husband, Joseph. He is the one I dreamed of and hoped for. I see Christ working through him, and I am so blessed.

3. I am thankful for my loving parents. Their perseverance, support, sacrifice, and love provided me with a firm foundation. I am the Christ follower, woman, & wife that I am because of them.

4. I couldn't be more thankful for my new family in the Weinbergers. They have been so accepting, loving, and supportive of me. I'm so thankful for their Godliness and the upbringing they provided Joe with.

5. My extended family is so precious to me. I am thankful for their influence and the sweet memories I share with them.

6. I am also thankful for the rest of Joe's family. They are all so wonderful, and I am so grateful I feel so comfortable and at home with them. I love you all!

7. They are have been so many sweet friends that I have shared moments of life with. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have known them.

8. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to make Latvia my second home. All of the people I have traveled with and met there are another family. They have blessed my life in more ways than I could express.

9. I am thankful for America. I believe that God can move here. Not to sound too cheesy, but I am proud to be an American.

10. I am very thankful for the Texas Aggies. I am one of the lucky few who get to attend a university with unmatched spirit, passion, & tradition. In my opinion, it is the greatest university in the world.

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

First Foodie Blog Post

Lately I have had the urge to enter the foodie blog world, oh my. I've decided that these foodie bloggers have lots of time, or more than I possess anyway. So, I'm sure these entries will be few and far between, but I'm really excited about getting started. My first new and experimental recipe for the weekend was Summer Citrus Pancakes.

Summer Citrus Pancakes

1 Large Egg
1 Cup of Unbleached Flour
3/4 Cup of Low-Fat Milk
1 TB of Sugar
3 tsp of Baking Powder
1/4 tsp of Salt
1/2 tsp of Vanilla Extract
2 TB of Canola Oil
Zest from 1 Lemon (or citrus fruit of choice)

1.Whisk the egg until fluffy. Add all ingredients through Lemon zest, and whisk until smooth.
2.Heat a highly oiled griddle, nonstick pan, or skillet on medium-medium high heat. Pour 1/2 cup of mixture and brown on both sides.

These were really tasty, not too high in calories, and SUPER easy.
Later that day, I made my first trek to Specs. It was really fun, actually. I loved looking at all the wines and specialty foods. I had a gift card and was hell bent on buying something. So after much deliberation, I thought a Pina Colada sounded pretty dang good. Joe looked up a quick recipe, we picked a middle of the line rum and got the extras. Well, lets just say the first swing was a miss. Bleh. My genius husband made some alterations, I added my two cents and the end result was amazing. It was creamy, with the perfect amount of froth and not too strong. Even Joe, single malt scotch on the rocks Joe, really liked it. I'm excited to call this recipe wholly ours.

Jose's Perfect Pina Colada

2 cups of Ice
5.5 oz of Pineapple Juice
3-4 oz of dark Rum (to taste)
4 TB of Lite Coconut Milk
2.5 TB of Granulated Sugar
Blend for 30s & garnish with a cherry and pineapple slice.

I hope you enjoy these recipes, and look forward to sharing many more newlywed dining adventures. Happy Cooking!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My 21st Year

Yesterday (June 8th) was my 21st birthday. It was highly anticipated for obvious reasons. It was wonderful to wake up next to my best friend, and be greeted with eggs, bacon and 21 roses at breakfast. He's wonderful. The day in general felt pretty normal, but lunch brought something very abnormal. On Joe's 21st, he had his first beer at The Dixie Chicken on Northgate. For you non-ags, the Dixie Chicken is a really famous bar and the tradition is to dunk your senior ring there. Instead of doing that we both enjoyed our first beers at the chicken. It was so weird to walk up to a bar- gasp, I'm baptist?- and order a beer. Of course he asked for my ID, and I happily gave it to him. He replied with a happy birthday, and gave Joe and I our pitcher. I have to admit it was pretty fun. I didn't realize beer made you so full, and only ate half of my chicken fingers-oh well. Unfortunately I had to head to class after lunch. After I got home, my parents, Joe's mom and aunt arrived for dinner. We went to this awesome restaurant called The Republic. I ordered a glass of white wine-didn't get carded this time- and didn't finish that either. Lately my stomach has been more sensitive than ever, and that's saying something. I'm not sure if I should be really concerned. I guess we'll see. I thankfully shared a steak with my dad, since I was only able to eat two bites. Ugh, but I really enjoyed it today for leftovers. Shortly after I got home there was a bang on my door, and it was my good friends Jill, Jackie and Erin. Joe did a little sneaking, and invited them. I was stunned. Seriously- so surprised. Probably more than ever. We opened presents, drank champagne and ate wonderful cake. Terry ordered the cake from French Gourmet or something like that. It was really, really good. I'm going to have a piece tonight, and I can hardly wait. It was a great evening, and I'm proud to say I remember every moment of it. Thanks to everyone who was apart of it.

In this next year of my life I hope to love more-in my words, actions, reactions and my thoughts. I want to be the Godly woman, wife, daughter and friend He created me to be. I want to be thankful for every moment I have to glorify and exalt my sweet daddy-God. Many changes are awaiting us, and I plan to greet them with an open heart and mind. I am confident that my 21st year will be my best.

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

My music history prof. likes to be called Dr. Pete

My 20th century music prof. is hilarious. He is a mid 50-60er and a 'rad man' hippy. I was really dreading this class, and I'm so relieved that he is not some serialism, twelve tone freak. Music nerd speak for really atonal music, that is (in my humble opinion) not very much fun to listen to. I'm also taking a math class and an intro to logic class. I definitely had to search way back into my brain for my 7:30 AM math class this morning. Whew, I am rusty. As he kept going it all started to come back to me, but I might have to spend a little time on my own, cuz he moves a bit quick. My intro to logic is going to be way fun. Don't quote me on that, but I really found it interesting. It's like learning a new language, and it makes sense! Anywho- I know college is soooo interesting, but I'll move on. Tonight, I'm having a 'me' night. Gilmore girls is my ALL TIME favorite TV show. I love it- it is a part of me. My mom and I watched it non-stop when I was in high school, and I watch the whole series about twice a year. Or I did before I got married. So, since Joe is out of town again (sigh), I decided to watch my dependable Gilmore girls. I made my self whole grain english muffins pizza with mushrooms and turkey italian sausage, drank perrier from the bottle and am having a 'single girl' night. I'm about to go get some wonderful slow churned butter pecan ice cream (my favorite right now & it's half the cal/fat/sugar). MMMMMMMmmmm it is seeewwww good. My prince returns tomorrow, and we are heading to Houston (for the last time for a while) to celebrate my birthday!!!! I can't wait.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lights Out!

I was in Houston again last week because Joe was out of town. So I enjoyed some more much need R&R, and hung out with family. On wednesday night my mom and I had dinner with the Weinbergers, and said goodbye to Maren . She is studying abroad in Italy for five weeks, and I am so excited for her. I know she is going to have a once in a lifetime experience. Finally, on Friday my honey came to town. I always miss him more when I'm in Houston. I guess I feel more removed from him, and our new life; but absence always makes my heart grow founder. We had a fun day or so in Brookshire at Hunt Retreat. We played softball, ate, roasted marshmallows and sweated a lot. It was great fun, and it definitely satisfied my camping itch. Sunday we saw our sweet friends Leanne and Alex. They are getting married in August, and it was so fun to catch up. Sunday night we were going to watch a movie with Terry, when a thunder storm decided to make an appearance. There was a very bright flash, immediately followed by an even louder crash and the next thing I knew I was clinging to Joe. I'm a bit jumpy. Well, I accidently poked Joe right in the eye mid leap and he was yelling his head off. This caused Jim-whose back was out- to start yelling if everyone was okay. It was pretty stinkin' hilarious. The lights were off until noonish the next day, but it really wasn't so bad. We went out for breakfast and had quite an experience. We also had dinner with Aunt Karen and Uncle John for Memorial Day, and that's always fun. This week it's back to school, back to school to prove to daddy I'm no fool. Or something like that.

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