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My 21st Year

The Weinbergers: My 21st Year

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My 21st Year

Yesterday (June 8th) was my 21st birthday. It was highly anticipated for obvious reasons. It was wonderful to wake up next to my best friend, and be greeted with eggs, bacon and 21 roses at breakfast. He's wonderful. The day in general felt pretty normal, but lunch brought something very abnormal. On Joe's 21st, he had his first beer at The Dixie Chicken on Northgate. For you non-ags, the Dixie Chicken is a really famous bar and the tradition is to dunk your senior ring there. Instead of doing that we both enjoyed our first beers at the chicken. It was so weird to walk up to a bar- gasp, I'm baptist?- and order a beer. Of course he asked for my ID, and I happily gave it to him. He replied with a happy birthday, and gave Joe and I our pitcher. I have to admit it was pretty fun. I didn't realize beer made you so full, and only ate half of my chicken fingers-oh well. Unfortunately I had to head to class after lunch. After I got home, my parents, Joe's mom and aunt arrived for dinner. We went to this awesome restaurant called The Republic. I ordered a glass of white wine-didn't get carded this time- and didn't finish that either. Lately my stomach has been more sensitive than ever, and that's saying something. I'm not sure if I should be really concerned. I guess we'll see. I thankfully shared a steak with my dad, since I was only able to eat two bites. Ugh, but I really enjoyed it today for leftovers. Shortly after I got home there was a bang on my door, and it was my good friends Jill, Jackie and Erin. Joe did a little sneaking, and invited them. I was stunned. Seriously- so surprised. Probably more than ever. We opened presents, drank champagne and ate wonderful cake. Terry ordered the cake from French Gourmet or something like that. It was really, really good. I'm going to have a piece tonight, and I can hardly wait. It was a great evening, and I'm proud to say I remember every moment of it. Thanks to everyone who was apart of it.

In this next year of my life I hope to love more-in my words, actions, reactions and my thoughts. I want to be the Godly woman, wife, daughter and friend He created me to be. I want to be thankful for every moment I have to glorify and exalt my sweet daddy-God. Many changes are awaiting us, and I plan to greet them with an open heart and mind. I am confident that my 21st year will be my best.

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