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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: July 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The 30th Olympiad

Friday we had a little get together to watch the opening ceremonies of the London Olympic games. We devoured UK inspired appetizers, dishes, and desserts. Rémy enjoyed all the company, especially sweet Isabella who showed him no shortage of love. It was so fun to have friends in our (albeit small) apartment. We can't get enough of the Olympics and hopefully many medals are in team USA's future. GIG' EM TEAM USA!!


Thursday, July 26, 2012


We all know the saying "home is where the heart is." It's a saying that as a child & an adolescent I didn't understand, nor did I need to understand it. If you're married you know it's a process acclimating yourself to your new little family. It doesn't happen over night, and there are days that feel like day one all over again. I spent some time in Houston this week going through boxes of college stuff deciding what to chunk, take to D.C. etc. While we were going through a box, my mom asked me "So when you pull into Houston on I-10, do you feel like 'ahh, home'?" I sat there for a second, and said "No." You know what- I meant it, but my answer surprised me. I truly don't get that feeling anymore, and if I do it's when we're pulling into San Antonio on I-10 or pulling into College Station. It wasn't a conscious decision, and I didn't realize it was happening. While we were in NOLA and someone would ask where I was from I automatically answered "San Antonio." My home is where Joe and Rémy are, where we share and make up our little home , and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

He's and She's

He's the photographer. 
She's the baker.

Recipes here & here

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Weekend...

... in instagram posts.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life as We Know It

Life has been pretty low-key lately. I'll be nannying for the month of July, so summer has basically come to an end. It's also hard to believe that we are a mere twelve weeks away from our move to D.C. Wow! I'm starting to let myself get more excited, and start planning. The next few weeks will hopefully be fun and not stressful. Right.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stars & Stripes in the Lone Star

Joe and I had a lovely 4th of July. We had a Community marathon, ate a late lunch at a local oyster bar (that was out of oysters- typical), and watched fireworks at Hemisfair park. Hope you had a patriotic 4th and felt appreciative of being an American. 

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Beauty in the Everyday

At times (like most people) I find myself wishing my life were more exciting, exotic, et cetera; however, there is such beauty in the everyday. Beauty in cooking with your husband, and snuggling with your pup after dinner. Beauty in laying in bed all day and reading collections of poetry because you can, and because there's nothing you'd rather do.

It's the little things. 

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Family Time in NOLA

Here are some pics. from my quick trip to NOLA with my parents to see my family.

We pretty much ate and hung out with family. NOLA is definitely a home away from home, and whenever I'm there I always find myself thinking "so... maybe this could be permanent?". Perhaps someday. 

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