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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: March 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Belated Happy Birthday to my Daddy

Friday was my dad's 55th birthday. We have been playing phone tag since then because of his crazy work schedule, and I haven't been able to tell him (besides voicemail). My dad is really the Godliest man I know. Allow me to brag a little. I have never met someone who studies the word with such vigor and passion. He has dedicated his life to students and my mom and I, and I would absolutely not be who I am today, if not for him. Several weeks ago, we had a great conversation and I put on my 'facebook status' Elizabeth Weinberger: loves her daddy, and at least ten people, mainly former students, commented on how much they agreed. My memories with my dad are endless, and he has always, ALWAYS, taken me out on "daddy-daughter days". Most of them were centered around shopping, but have also included: Malibu Grand Prix, ice skating, going to sears, roller skating at the CLC, and many more. Every Friday before school, we would go to Shipleys for donut holes and chocolate milk. We did this the Friday before I got married. We would also spend hours in the evenings checking my math homework, many tears were shed. While all of this things add up to great memories, the most precious memory is our time spent in Latvia. This past summer, we are able to go just the two of us. It was really, really special. I don't think I'm going to be able to with him this summer, and it breaks my heart. Another topic, for another blog. Anyway, I love you dad. You are one of my best friends, and I couldn't have gotten here without you.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dedicated to my KitchenAid Stand Mixer

My love, or rather longing, for a KitchenAid mixer began long, long ago. I couldn't tell you specifically when, but it was single digits. While I have not always wanted to be a cook, I loved to play baker. I would destroy my mother's kitchen during the summer playing baking show. My mom and I would pass the mixers in Foley's or see them on television, and gush over how fantastic they were. The desired color changed from "tiffany" blue, orange and several others, but the desire remained the same. The day I would finally get one, which would be off my wedding registry of course, was talked about with reverent tones. I'm sure within the week after Joe proposed, I thought/said 'I can finally get a KitchenAid'. The day came for Joe and I to register at Macy's, and our last item was the KitchenAid mixer. This is so typical me. My mom and Terry were with us, and it was very ceremonial. I believe my mother and I even teared up. Don't roll your eyes to much, we really had been anticipating this day for a long time. Before this, Joe, or rather I, decided that we wanted a green and brown kitchen. We were not sticking to one green, but several shades. So I, having been born in the wrong era, loved the retro 'milk-shop green' as my mother would call it-KitchenAid calls it Pistachio. Finally my first shower arrived, and one of my last gifts to open was my KitchenAid of course from my sweet, wonderfully dramatic mom. Ohh what bliss. Joe was even excited and we opened it the minute we got back to my house. Unfortunately we discovered a major scratch, and were just able to exchange it over spring break. Well, we finally got to use it on Tuesday. It did not in the least bit disappoint. We made from scratch vanilla cupcakes and buttercream icing, and they turned out perfect, actually. MmmmMmm. If you know me in the slightest bit, you know that cake with buttercream icing is my fifth love-under my God, my man, fam and friends. Sometimes I will take it over the latter three. I look forward to many more uses of my KitchenAid, both successful and unsuccessful. Who knows, maybe I will become a little baker.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break Happenings

This past week Joe and I have been in Houston with our fams. It was wonderful! Joe was out of town for work Monday-Wednesday, so in stead of staying in College Station, I decided to hang in Houston. It was actually really weird to be there without Joe. I missed him more there than I usually do in College Station. I spent some quality time with my parents and PaPa and even got to see my cousin's boys, whom I haven't seen since January. On wednesday, my mom and went with my Aunt Diane, Uncle Bill and Oksana to the Livestock Show with the boys, and it was way fun. They were too cute, and my heart was just completely melted by the end of the day (photos bellow). That night my honey arrived, and we had a Diano-Murrell-Weinberger cookout at my parent's place. The evening of course included some traditional badminton playing. Josh played, and I'm sure he will live up to expectations ;). Thursday was my mother in-law's, Terry, birthday. We had a very fun, girlie day of shopping, chocolate and pedicures at Urban Retreat, courtesy of my father in-law Jim. That night, Maren made a fantastic dinner and we celebrated with my parent's, Terry's parent's and the Ralstons. Much fun was had. The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing. It is always sweet to spend time with family, and I love getting to finally stay with each other.
Gabe LOVED the Petting Zoo

So cute!


Sana and I


Josh's training begins

Terry and Maren's first Diano-Murrell badminton 'tournament'

The birthday girl enjoying her pedicure

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend Visit and Shaken but not Shattered

This weekend Joe and I had a much needed weekend visit to Houston. We had a wedding to attend, and just needed to get out of College Station-or I did anyway. It was great to be with family and see some people we hadn't since our wedding. Both Joe and I enjoy each other's family so much, and I do not take that for granted. We all know those people who have a less than desirable relationship with their in-laws, but that is just not the case for Joe and I. Praise the Lord. Next weekend we will be back in H-town for another weekend and while Joe will be heading to some small town in TX till Wednesday, I will be hangin' in Houston for my last spring break...sigh. We are really looking forward to seeing and spending time with Joe's sister Maren, whom we have not seen since January.
Anyway, you know when you pray for God to give you patience, you kind of brace yourself to be taught patience. Well, I am reading Beth Moore's new book "So Long, Insecurity..." and naturally have been praying and asking God to show and teach me what true security is. While I have been doing this I have been so motivated, inspired and honestly a little overly confident. I know my man loves me, I have been having AWESOME times with Jesus and I have been fairly successful in school thus far. I thought, 'hmm I'm doing pretty good..."well the past several days have shaken me a little. Nothing to major, but just a few comments have just been consuming my mind. Uhgg how quickly I succumb to old habits, and the whispered lies of the evil one. Oh how I wish I could be totally unaffected by people, and completely SECURE in my Jesus. So here I am, humbled and on my knees in our closet. The book is fantastic, of course, and has really prompted some things I have never thought it would.
Here are some verses that are in my heart today:
He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved
Psalm 62:2 AMP
Casting the whole of your care [all of your anxieties, all of your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
1 Peter 5:7 AMP

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
And to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Two Months Ago Today...

I was about an hour away from becoming Mrs. Weinberger. Unfortunately Joe is in Abilene this week, so we can not 'celebrate' together. I'm sure our celebration would have entailed candles at dinner and maybe a bottle of champagne, but nothing too major. I will take any and every opportunity to make an event out of something and this is usually centered around food. Instead of the pan seared lamb chops that I'm sure we would have made-ha, I will be enjoying leftovers from our first 'Sunday dinner'. Yes, my momma and mimi will be proud, on Sunday I made 'Sunday dinner'. I rose extra early that morning, got ready for church, and proceeded to dress my pork roast with minced garlic, rosemary and dijon mustard. With the oven set at 325, I slid in that pig butt right as we walked out the door for church. During church I was silently praying that my oven wouldn't burn down the apartment complex, while taking furious notes of course, because our pastor was preaching on intimacy. Thankfully, we returned home to a 'scorchless' apartment. Along with our roast, I made mashed potatoes and broccoli. Mmmm I love mashed potatoes. We made supper that night as well, and by bed time I felt I had been doing dishes all day long. None the less, it was actually quite fun and made me feel even more like a little family. I look forward to making my man many more 'Sunday dinners'.

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