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My music history prof. likes to be called Dr. Pete

The Weinbergers: My music history prof. likes to be called Dr. Pete

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My music history prof. likes to be called Dr. Pete

My 20th century music prof. is hilarious. He is a mid 50-60er and a 'rad man' hippy. I was really dreading this class, and I'm so relieved that he is not some serialism, twelve tone freak. Music nerd speak for really atonal music, that is (in my humble opinion) not very much fun to listen to. I'm also taking a math class and an intro to logic class. I definitely had to search way back into my brain for my 7:30 AM math class this morning. Whew, I am rusty. As he kept going it all started to come back to me, but I might have to spend a little time on my own, cuz he moves a bit quick. My intro to logic is going to be way fun. Don't quote me on that, but I really found it interesting. It's like learning a new language, and it makes sense! Anywho- I know college is soooo interesting, but I'll move on. Tonight, I'm having a 'me' night. Gilmore girls is my ALL TIME favorite TV show. I love it- it is a part of me. My mom and I watched it non-stop when I was in high school, and I watch the whole series about twice a year. Or I did before I got married. So, since Joe is out of town again (sigh), I decided to watch my dependable Gilmore girls. I made my self whole grain english muffins pizza with mushrooms and turkey italian sausage, drank perrier from the bottle and am having a 'single girl' night. I'm about to go get some wonderful slow churned butter pecan ice cream (my favorite right now & it's half the cal/fat/sugar). MMMMMMMmmmm it is seeewwww good. My prince returns tomorrow, and we are heading to Houston (for the last time for a while) to celebrate my birthday!!!! I can't wait.

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