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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: September 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wish List warming edition.

These are some things I hope make an appearance in our new home sometime soon. 

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Thursday, September 27, 2012


My dear co-workers threw me a surprise going away party on Monday. As you can see it was all Texas themed. Tuesday was my last day, but I don't think it has hit me that I won't be seeing them everyday. They have become some of my dearest friends and I feel so blessed to have worked with them. 

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Our House... the middle of... two other row houses. We've officially signed the lease for our home in Alexandria. It's a little smaller than we had hoped, but it has: two bedrooms, a finished basement, beautiful original hardwoods, a back yard, and a dishwasher. What more could we want really? It also has the perfect price tag. Oh, did I mention it's a block from the metro and five from Trader Joe's? Perfect. 

For various reasons Joe has to travel back to SA for a bit after we move. While this is not ideal, I'm clinging to the truth that "He works ALL things for good." I have a peace and am already planning a trip to NYC to visit Joe's sister. God is good.

So- when you come visit us you will have your choice of two sleeping areas and your own bathroom. D.C. hopes to see you soon!

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Things I can't get Enough Of

1. Sushi- this is a huge development. There was always something I literally couldn't stand about sushi, some taste I couldn't put my finger on. One day I asked them to roll it with a soy sheet instead of seaweed and voila! It's my new favorite.

2. All food Asian. Again, who am I? Joe is in heaven btw.

3. Girls night with this lovely lady, as well as with some other co-workers. I've decided they're all moving to D.C. with me. 

4. Micheladas made with Pearl beer. San Antonio's finest. 

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Life as We Know It

...according to instagram posts.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

'Cuz We're Leaving...

... on a Penske truck.  This afternoon Joe officially accepted the offer for a job in Alexandria, Virginia. Alexandria is about 5 miles from Washington D.C. and we are so excited to be moving to the D.C. area. It has been one of my favorite cities since I was 13, and I can't believe we are actually going to get to live there. Joe's start date is October 1st, but thankfully they are giving him some time to move, unpack, etc. In twenty short days the truck will be packed, and in twenty four days we will be well into our 23 hour long road trip to home sweet home.  This move has been a long time coming, and God's perfect timing has never been so evident. We are still looking for a place to call home, so if you think of us please say a little prayer. We are planning on having plenty of room for visitors, so start planning! D.C. is calling!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

An Update

Life in our home has been pretty stressful lately. School is in full swing and I have a classroom full of 7 & 8 year olds that keep me busy. Joe is days away from an offer letter and that has us all a-twitter, but I don't want to say too much and spoil it. Timing everything correctly (ending our lease, finding something in D.C. etc.) is proving to not be super easy. We are at a stand still until Joe gets the official letter, so that's where we are. We had a great labor day weekend in Gainesville with Joe's family and we are looking forward to spending this weekend with my family in Houston. Busy, busy.  Hope you had a great holiday!

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