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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: June 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Home Movies

This week I've been working on editing and compiling all of the "home movies" J & I have taken since we got married. After visiting my aunt and uncle in NOLA (who have ALL of their home movies beginning in the '70s on DVD) I felt inspired. Here is a bit of a preview. 

*Music by: Jack Johnson & Relient K

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weinberger Must-Haves: Drink Edition

Joe and I have been married for two and a half years now (crazy!) and I would say we are definitely into a comfortable, pre-kids routine. We've been through three moves, and before moving into our currant apartment we hadn't lived more than six months in a place. That being said- we've been living in our apartment in SA for 17 months. We are finally settled (of course we're moving across the country in October). It's interesting the items in our home that have become "must-haves". Here are some of them in drink form:

{1. Mexican Coke: we don't consume this on a daily basis, but it's a fun treat. > 2. ZingZang bloody mary mix: we use this for Micheladas mostly, which are great on these triple-digit days in SA. > 
3. Abita Strawberry Larger: whis is more for me. > 4. Canadian Club Whisky: this is more for J, most definitely.}

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer by the Sea

The second week of June my mom's family rented a beach house on Galveston Island. While Joe could only spend the weekend, I was able to stay for the week. My cousin and I share a birthday so we celebrated, swam, ate yummy seafood, fed the seagulls and enjoyed some much needed fellowship. You know the old saying "It takes a village to raise a child"? Well... they are my village. Of course I'm no longer a child, a new generation has entered our family, and my cousins and I have suddenly become our parents. At lease metaphorically. 
Anywho- it was a sweet time, and I sure do miss them!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The past thirteen days I have been in various cities vacationing with my parents and our extended family. With my laptop back safely in San Antonio, blogging wasn't really an option. Of course all good things must come to an end, but I'm ready to be back in The Alamo City with my love. I have lots of fun pictures and stories to share, but for now enjoy Think Positive! Magazine's pic. of one of my most favorite cities, New Orleans.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weekend in the Hill Country

Gosh we had such a lovely weekend in the beautiful Texas Hill Country with J's family this weekend. All I kept thinking was how much I was going to miss this (and them) when we move to D.C. in October. Here is our weekend according to instagram:

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