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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: February 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Happy Leap Day, Everyone!

I've never really stopped and thought about this day before, but now that I'm teaching 2nd grade (did I mention that?) everything can be made into an activity. I'm not sure what that activity will look like yet, but it should be fun.

Have a wonderful Wednesday! It'll be the weekend before we know it!

*Picture courtesy of NBC's 30 Rock

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Our Weekend in IPhone Pictures


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Favorite Things: Vacation's all I ever Wanted Edition

Lately I've had traveling on the brain. I have been blessed to have traveled all over the world. I have seen and lived cultures ranging from the slums of Honduras to the spotless streets of Salzburg, and numerous in-between. I have several favorites for several reasons, here they are: (in no particular order)

Bluffton, South Carolina

We honeymooned at The Inn at Palmetto Bluff. It was charming and has become my mental  
happy place.

Manhattan, New York
The greatest city in the world. There's just no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Chicago, Illinois 
Chicago is like New York on a Xanax. A little calmer, nicer, and less stressed. 

Prague, Czech Republic 
Prague is by far my favorite European city. It is beautiful and unpretentious. (This photo of me and my s-i-l is circa 2007, enjoy.)

Paris, France
C'est magnifique. Je préfère la ville dans la nuit!

So obviously there are some pretty major cities in my travels that are absent from this list. Jelgava, Riga, New Orleans, and Washington D.C. you are, soon will be, or feel more like home.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Morning Off

Today is President's Day, which means HOLIDAY! Joe is transitioning to the day shift, so he chose to work from home today since the base is closed. We ate homemade breakfast sandwiches and are enjoying just being together. Mornings like this really make me look forward to being a stay-at-home mom (Lord willing). 

Here is life lately via IPhone pics. 

We took a weekend trip to Austin.

My parents came in for the weekend.

We celebrated St. Valentine's Day.


We spent quality time with Rémy.

We celebrated Mardi Gras early at Luke.


It's hard to believe this is the last full week of February. Before we know it will be spring break. Bring it on!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Sayonara Night Shift!

Joe has just completed his final day at work on the night shift. Can I get an Amen? I am jumping for joy, and he is well... adjusting to the idea. My love is not a morning person and I know this transition back to days with not come without its challenges. If you think of him, pray that he would be as smooth and comfortable as possible.

We have had a very eventful week over here in SA, and I hope to blog about all of that this weekend.

Sunday we took my parents to the church we attend here. The sermon was incredible! I am so thankful that we have found a church home here that is not afraid to speak truth. I will be so sorry to leave it.
Click here for the recording.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Puppy Love

You all know our pride and joy, Rémy. Well if you can believe it, he will be a whole year old in March. This dog momma is just in shock. Rémy is beloved by all of our family members, and if I didn't know that already, then after Super Bowl Sunday I had zero doubts. Joe and I had about ten text messages about Rémy's debut commercial for sketchers (it was really some other dog named Mr. Quiggly). Our little pup has been a wonderful addition to our family. As one of our dear family friends, Jeff Ralston would say: "You'll never regret getting a dog". True that.

 Can you tell my new obsession is making Gifs?

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This is our two hundredth post! Wow! We have documented a lot of events on this blog, and it has been a wonderful way to watch the journey of our marriage unfold. Of course I blog for you, the reader (all 5 of you), but I think I really do it for myself. It's a way to share, celebrate, grieve, relax, and sometimes even worship the Lord.

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