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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: October 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

O Magnum Mysterium

My music history prof. played this today in class. I thought it was breath taking. Enjoy!


O magnum mysterium
et admirabile sacramentum,
ut animalia viderent Dominum natum,
jacentem in præsepio.
Beata virgo, cujus viscera meruerunt
portare Dominum Christum, Alleluia!
O great mystery
and wondrous sacrament,
that animals should see the newborn Lord
lying in their manger.
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy
to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

51st Post

My last post was my 50th post... *sigh* and I missed it. Totally didn't realize it. Oh well. So here's to my 51st post! I don't have much to say- school is busy, recital in less than 3 weeks, my grandpa is home from the hospital after 2+weeks PTL, I'm now a member of a music fraternity... and that's about it. BUT this weekend is going to be pretty stinking exciting! Dan and Amy are coming to town!! Yay! We were a little worried they wouldn't want to come after the Aggie football team played so poorly against Mizzou, but they are! I can't wait to play hostess. So y'all hurry up! Here are other things I'm excited about:

My senior recital ready or not is just about here! My stomach is turning as I type this. 18 days!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 comes out November 19th! 24 days!

As of yesterday Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) was one month away!! Can't wait for turkey, cranberry sauce, Rolls, and STUFFING! 30 days!

My graduation is less than two months away! 53 Days!

I have heard that Highland Village is decorated for Christmas already. While I wont be able to see it until thanksgiving, just the knowledge makes me giddy. 59 Days!

Here are the next 8 weeks of my life in 5 pictures. Whew!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Semi-Domestic Goddess

I couldn't be more excited to present my new blog: The Semi-Domestic Goddess. I have been dying to start a foodie blog- so I did! Please check it out & tell your friends! Click the link above or to the side.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Fun

I can't believe it is already Friday! It seems that time is going by faster and faster. It has been one crazy week, but finally the weekend is here. Praise the Lord! We don't have a game this weekend, so we plan on doing things that we never/wont have time to do. Saturday we are going to do a bit of Christmas shopping. I can't wait! We are going to go to the movies and enjoy not standing for 3+ hours, only to see the Aggies loose (can you tell I'm a bit bitter). Anywho, here are some pictures of Bella-Boo. We miss her!

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Monday, October 18, 2010


Happy Monday! There is no rhyme or reason for this photo, just for giggles. I have found myself in a bit of a funk this morning. Nothing in particular, just a little off. So, I thought this photo would make me smile- it did.

Last night I was reading out of the devotional book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young (really great little read), the devo was on anxiety and she wrote something like this "Do not linger too long in the future, for it allows little mushrooms of anxiety to sprout... but rather let God write your fantasies..." or something. Ugg straight to the heart, this is so hard for me; but, this is absolutely true. The future is completely unknown and if I allow myself to 'linger' there I become quite down- change.

Something I was really looking forward to has changed. It's not going to be how I thought it was- change.

Lately the conversations I have had with my mom have been serious- things are changing.

Everything I know is changing, not for the worse, but changing none the less. I feel like I am being pushed through a hole that I don't quite fit through, my emotions are being pinched, pulled, and spread. Today I hate it. Today bitterness is on the tip of my tongue, and a part of me wants to allow it to consume me. I need time to digest, but I have no time. I need to cry, but the tears don't come. Today I am broken; BUT, Christ has overcome, He is victorious over death, He holds me in His hand, HE ALONE IS FAITHFUL! He is interceding on my behalf to the Father. He is steadfast, & UNCHANGING. Because of this I choose to rejoice.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fa La La La La, La La La La!

This morning I woke up with Christmas bug! Check out Crate and Barrel they have the cutest decorations, and I know you will have a little extra bounce in your step.

It is a beautiful day in Aggieland!! I just love this time of year, and I'm actually really looking forward to Halloween weekend. Dan and Amy are coming up for the Texas Tech game and we are so excited! I'm already planning our meals and dessert, and that will be my first official foodie blog post on my new blog: The Semi-Domestic Goddess. Time is going by so quickly! I wish I knew where it was going. Only a little over 4 weeks till my senior recital, aah! Keep me, my health, and my practice in your prayers please.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There's no Place Like Home

This weekend Joe and I were finally able to go to Houston. It was awesome! We had a busy weekend of celebrating Joe's and GrandPa's birthday, as well as my mom's birthday. I can't speak for Joe but I really needed this weekend. I was just burnt out- tired of school, tired of College Station, I needed to return to civilization! One of the highlights of the weekend was getting to see Uncle Brian, Aunt Sharon and their kids Conner, Donavon, & Ashlin. We haven't seen them since the wedding, and we had so much fun spending time with them! Here are a few pics. from the weekend.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Journey to Becoming a Domestic Goddess

Isn't this the quest of all women? No... oh, well it's a journey of mine. When I entered college in the fall of 2007 I could make spaghetti... not very well. My boyfriend on the other hand had developed a strong desire to become a little gourmet chef. Great! He can do the cooking, fine with me. Wrong. Another desire of Joe's was to "domesticate" me. It took some pushing and pulling, and there were many tears shed; but, I think I am finally there. Joe came home quite a bit later in the month of September for various reasons, and it was up to me to make dinner completely on my own. Joe is a bit of a security blanket, but I had to "make it work" to quote Tim Gunn. I am so comfortable now that I even have the desire to tell people how to cook in a foodie blog. If I did, the focus would be baking, but still. Who am I? I'll tell you who I am... a Domestic Goddess. Ha- ok maybe not quite, but I sure am loving this journey a whole lot more than I was 3 years ago. Maybe I will start my foodie blog when I'm done with this whole college thing... only two months left might I add. Be on the lookout: A Semi-Domestic Goddes. BTW there are lots of Domestic Goddes blogs. Check them out.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Favorite Guy

Today is Joseph's 24th birthday! We have already had a fun day of celebrating with our parent's and look forward to celebrating more next weekend with our whole families. If you know Joe you know he is incredibly lovable. He is one of the sweetest, most considerate people you will ever meet. He is loyal and loves with his whole heart. Of course some of the things that I love about him change and some stay the same. I love his heart for the Lord, his quiet, steadfast faith. I love, LOVE his heart for his family. Lastly, I love his ability to always make me laugh. We have fun all the time. While these 'loves' will never change, the little things about him that I love shift and change with time. Instead of 24, I will share 12 things that I'm loving right now:

12. His Fashion Sense: Lately Joe has been very interested in creating a personal style. He does research and I love this! I find it quite entertaining.
11. His Peace: The past week or so have been a roller coaster of emotions with his job situation; but, the whole time Joe never lost faith that it wouldn't work out. He was so comforting to me even when it should have been the other way around.

10: The way he looks when he wakes up: Joe is sooooo cute when he is asleep. He looks like he did as a little boy, and when I go in there to get him up he is always so sweet-this has not always been the case ;). His hair stands straight up in the back and it's ADORABLE!
9. His wake-up song: Nearly every morning when I wake him up he sings a song. I keep saying I'm going to start writing down the songs he sings because they are very varied!

8. Our Routine: I guess this doesn't have to do with just Joe, but I have really been loving our routine lately. We eat at the kitchen table and talk about our days, look at a magazine/website together, watch our favorite TV show on the given evening, pray together et cetera.
7. His Love of Kids: Ok, don't get any ideas-really, but it is the cutest thing, every time there is a baby/toddler on TV or whatever he goes "aww, so cute" or something to that effect. If it is what God has for us I know he is going to be such a loving dad!

6. His Detail: Every time Joe tells a story he gives you every detail. It cracks me up!
5. His Sentimental-ness: Joe is still carrying the room key to our cottage on our honeymoon. He has trouble throwing anything away and whether or not he will admit gets choked up at the sweetest things.

4. His Dreams: Not any in particular. We love to talk about our future. Whether that's where will be living in December, or what tub we are going to be in our master bathroom in our dream home.
3. His Light-Heartedness: Of course Joe can be serious, but he has an infectious spirit about him. I'm not sure how to put it into words, but he makes me happier than anyone in the whole world.

2. His eyes: I have been trying to get all of the wedding pics (900+) printed slowly over time, and I have just noticed what sweet eyes he has. There is this one picture of the "mother-son dance" and he is looking at his momma so sweetly. Just melts my heart.
1. My Feelings: The other day my voice teacher asked me "how is married life, I know the first year is hard.." and I can honestly say it is wonderful! We have tiffs obviously, but our relationship has never been better. We grow closer each and every day. The other day I was driving home and I looked in front of me and there was Joe, and I guess because it was unexpected my stomach got butterflies. I was so excited!

Happy Birthday, to my favorite guy! I love you more than I can express.

This is a song I would sing to Joe a lot when we were in high school. The first time he cried :)

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy October!!

Happy October, Everyone! October is my favorite month out of the year, and I am so excited it is finally here. As you can see our blog is under construction. It is going to evolve with the seasons during the next few months. So excuse our mess for the next few days.

55 days till Thanksgiving!!

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