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The Weinbergers

The Weinbergers: February 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This Land is Our Land!

I can't express how wonderful this past weekend was. Joe and I had a great time relaxing and enjoying each other's company in (two) of our favorite cities. My journey began Thursday around one o'clock when I left for the San Antonio airport. It is small and user friendly and I was very appreciative. My flight to Baltimore was completely full, and I ended up sitting next to a couple who were all over each other. I just focused on my book and had a very nice flight (thank you for your prayers). I arrived at 7:20 and had till 7:40 to get my bag and find the bus stop to the Greenbelt Metro Station. No dice. I missed the first bus. I wasn't very happy. The bus finally came, but I ended up missing the first train. Blarg. Finally I was on the train, on my way to my dear Washington D.C. Joe was picking me up at L'Enfant Plaza, and neither of us thought to plain which exit to use. Whoops. I picked the wrong one. Eventually Joe and I found each other. Once I was in the car and able to relax, I was able to take in the scenery. There it was: our city. (I am now calling Washington D.C. that. We honeymooned there and for me at least will always be my dream residence.) Immediately my heart jumped and all the reasons I love that city flooded my thoughts. Alexandria was a quick ten minute (ish) drive away. Wow. When you picture the quintessential American town (you may have not known it) but you have been picturing Alexandria. I will not continue with the play-by-play, but I have to admit I left a bit of my heart there. We had a very full four days, and I couldn't possibly include ever picture and detail, but here are a few:

Welcome to Aelxandria!

Dinner in Old-Town Alexandria at Hanks Oyster Bar W-O-N-DERFUL!
Friday I had the day to myself in the city, so Saturday I was very happy to have my tour buddy.
The Holocaust Museum was incredible. We even met a survivor.
We had lunch at The Maine Avenue Fish Market. We enjoyed fresh crab and fried oysters.

We walked over seven miles that day on our 'walking tour' and one of our stops was The Jefferson Memorial.
Funny enough Joe and I got to experience one of the windiest days in D.C.'s history. We were not prepared.
Saturday ended at the Washington D.C. institution, Ben's Chili Bowl. Our half-smoked, hot dog, chili-cheese fries, and vanilla shake were AWESOME! (Good thing we walked so much.)
Sunday we visited the Natural History Museum, American History, and the National Gallery of Art. We also payed the president a visit.
We also enjoyed meals at Oyamel and Sonoma . Both were great. Our night ended with a romantic stroll around the capitol.

There was also time for a bit of shopping in-between all of these things. My heart is still so full. I am so blessed to have married my best friend. I don't think I have ever wanted to come home less. I'm sure there are numerous reasons for this, but I am so ready for our time apart to be over. Only about 55 more hours.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Home Again

Home again, home again. I had a wonderful four day weekend with my love in Washington D.C. and Alexandria, VA. (Post to come soon).

Joe's Uncle Rob (his dad's brother) met Jesus on Sunday night. So if you think of him and his family please pray for peace etc. (Especially for his daughter, Kelly).

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

-John Newton

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Today I had 5th and 6th grade literature. This is the third time I have had this age group, and it is fun to be able to be normal (not the 'b' word) with them and have them still obey me. Since they are more comfortable with me they asked me lots of questions today: 'What's my favorite color', 'do you have kids', 'why is your name funny and where does it come from'... and so on. It was too funny. I just don't know how anyone couldn't love teaching. I love it. It brings out a joy I have never experienced before. After being in a Christian school, I don't know if I could go public. I love sharing my faith and learning things from 6-13 year olds. The Lord is teaching me so much through this experience. I have also begun to make friends at school, which is a huge answer to prayer. I know it is not perfect, but I would so love to teach at this school. I have definitely fallen in-love with it. God is so good.

Tomorrow I am going to Washington D.C. to be with my love. :) This time apart has begun to take a toll on me... I'm ready for it to be over now.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, to you!!!

Since Joe is in Alexandria this week, he came home this weekend and we celebrated for Valentine's.

Just for fun:

Our first Valentine's together, February 14, 2006

I believe this is 2002...

Enjoy whomever you love today, and tell them you do!

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"To live would be an awfully big adventure" J.M. Barrie

I have been reminiscing a lot the past few days. Not in an 'I'm sad' way, but in a 'look how far we have come' way. When I think upon the changes I have undergone since Joe and I began dating it is humbling and exciting. Of course I was still a bit of a child when it all started... and now (do I dare say it) I am an adult. ? Maybe... almost. This picture is in front of the Peter Pan statue in London (hence the quote). It is perhaps one of my most favorite spots on earth. I loved the disney movie Peter Pan as a child, and it was a dream come true to finally see this statue. (I first saw with my mom 3 years prior to this pic). The story of Peter Pan is really quite right. We as christians should never grow out of our child-like faith in Christ. While it is not logical, or explainable it is true. Praise the Lord, our God is mighty to save. It is going to be even more fantastical to stand in His presence, than my wildest child hood fantasies.

This weekend I made my new trek home down I-10. It wasn't so bad. Sealy to home was the worst part. Friday my parents had the day off for "ice", so my dad enjoyed watching the extended version of The Return of the King. A very us activity. I got to shop with my mom, aunt, and Oksana, and hang with the UB and Phil. It was great. Saturday my mom(s) and I got to enjoy being ladies who brunch. It was delightful. One of my favorite weekends to date.

My mom comes into town today for the rest of the week, and my most favorite comes home on friday for the weekend! I'm counting the hours.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Favorite Things

Happy February, Everyone! Can you believe it? I can't. Joe has been in Alexandria, VA for two days now: 2 down, 24 to go.

So, Here are some of my favorite things as of late...

Do not judge me. I think because we live in a city highly populated by hispanics they have Diet Big red in all of the stores, and I love it so.much.!

Isn't this the cutest? It is a cutting board. It is my new favorite hypothetical gift.

Ok so my sister-in-law gave me and my m-i-l these with "weinberger women" on the be-hind. Very cute, but the pants- THE PANTS are amazing. They are the most comfortable lounge pants I have ever had (and the most flattering). I will be purchasing all three colors.

These are sunburst tomatoes and they are delish! They have been on sale at central market/HEB and I can't get enough.

My m-i-l gave me this for Christmas, and it is also fantastic. I thought it would make me feel greasy, not at all. I put it on after my night-time shower and it is oh so nice.

My most favorite, always and forever.

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