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Give Thanks

The Weinbergers: Give Thanks

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Give Thanks

A few mornings ago my alarm went off at 6:00 AM and I proceeded to begin my morning routine. I don't have many thoughts at this hour, and I definitely do not have enough snap to have a song ringing in my ears. Well, this particular morning was different. I was just overcome with the old worship song, "His Love Endures Forever". The gist of the lyrics are "Give thanks to the Lord, our God and king. His love endures forever". I never wake up singing this early, and I knew that the Lord was speaking to my heart. I've had a lot of things on my mind lately, and I can't say my thoughts have been especially thankful. I have been very focused on finishing school, money, things et cetera. I seem to have misplaced my gratefulness lately. How unfortunate. I am so blessed, and so rather than focusing on everything that needs to happen, I'm going to rejoice in the victory of every single day. Here some things I am thankful for.

1. I am thankful that I am saved by grace. I'm thankful that is not by any work I could do, but by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and his victorious resurrection.

2. I am thankful for my sweet husband, Joseph. He is the one I dreamed of and hoped for. I see Christ working through him, and I am so blessed.

3. I am thankful for my loving parents. Their perseverance, support, sacrifice, and love provided me with a firm foundation. I am the Christ follower, woman, & wife that I am because of them.

4. I couldn't be more thankful for my new family in the Weinbergers. They have been so accepting, loving, and supportive of me. I'm so thankful for their Godliness and the upbringing they provided Joe with.

5. My extended family is so precious to me. I am thankful for their influence and the sweet memories I share with them.

6. I am also thankful for the rest of Joe's family. They are all so wonderful, and I am so grateful I feel so comfortable and at home with them. I love you all!

7. They are have been so many sweet friends that I have shared moments of life with. I am so thankful for the opportunity to have known them.

8. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to make Latvia my second home. All of the people I have traveled with and met there are another family. They have blessed my life in more ways than I could express.

9. I am thankful for America. I believe that God can move here. Not to sound too cheesy, but I am proud to be an American.

10. I am very thankful for the Texas Aggies. I am one of the lucky few who get to attend a university with unmatched spirit, passion, & tradition. In my opinion, it is the greatest university in the world.

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