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The Weinbergers: Home

Thursday, July 26, 2012


We all know the saying "home is where the heart is." It's a saying that as a child & an adolescent I didn't understand, nor did I need to understand it. If you're married you know it's a process acclimating yourself to your new little family. It doesn't happen over night, and there are days that feel like day one all over again. I spent some time in Houston this week going through boxes of college stuff deciding what to chunk, take to D.C. etc. While we were going through a box, my mom asked me "So when you pull into Houston on I-10, do you feel like 'ahh, home'?" I sat there for a second, and said "No." You know what- I meant it, but my answer surprised me. I truly don't get that feeling anymore, and if I do it's when we're pulling into San Antonio on I-10 or pulling into College Station. It wasn't a conscious decision, and I didn't realize it was happening. While we were in NOLA and someone would ask where I was from I automatically answered "San Antonio." My home is where Joe and Rémy are, where we share and make up our little home , and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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