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Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man O' Mine

The Weinbergers: Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man O' Mine

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man O' Mine

Yesterday in good ol' Aggieland, the unthinkable happend-it snowed!! I had heard weather reports early that morning, but I had been scorned before by the 'oh so reliable' central Texas weather station. However, as I was coming out of the beautiful Academic Building, I was greeted by a glorious snow covered Century Tree, Sul' Ross and even a few snow men. My friend Jackie and I immediately squealed and whipped out our camera phones. So fun. Unfortunately, Joe has been in Corpus all week and missed the excitement. As much as I loved stepping out onto my balcony and seeing white cotton balls falling from the sky and STICKING, it made my heart sting a little. My snow playmate and snuggle buddy wasn't here to play with me. After thanking God for the snow, I spent some time just thinking about things I love about Joe. This is my tactic when I'm missing him, because it is much better than moping. So here are a few new mannerisms, habits etc. that I have discovered since being married: -warning, some are little, well, suggestive ;)

When he sleeps, his face looks really smooshed together, and this makes his lips look like he is puckering for a kiss

He sings along with several commercials. My favorite is the commercial for the kitchen faucet you touch- the song goes "your hands can do so many, many things..." cracks me up every time!

After he works out, to dry off he walks around in the buff- this is still weird and I think he does it to get a reaction... it doesn't work

Multiple times a day, we will be sitting on the couch and he will do as follows: run into the bedroom, fall onto the bed as if he has been shot, look up where I can see his head through the doorway, and give me the eyebrows raised, very toothy open-mouth smile

He speaks in Asian and Russian accents ALL THE TIME

He breaks out into 'A Whole New World' from Aladdin often

He will suddenly pull up my shirt slightly and give me a sherbet and then proceed to tickle me mercilessly

He makes me laugh- this isn't new, but always worth mentioning

and finally- I'm going to try and put it tastefully

On the rare occasion he wakes up before I do, he nudges me suggestively. He is really just being funny, and it is. I can just hear his thought process-"if I'm up, she has to be up too, and why not poke her." I don't know, but I think this is so cute and funny.

I'm sure that Joe is thoroughly embarrassed and I hope I didn't go to far. He really is so wonderful and I can't wait to see him tomorrow.

And Happy Birthday Cameron!! I'm so excited to be your cousin and we love you lots!

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